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some things Y/you should know about me

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atl, GA
this blog is about me and my expressions and acceptance of being a male submissive within a female dominated world. i accept the rule of female dominance and supremacy and realize that it is only a matter of time when this shall be the cultural norm within O/our society. in this blog one will find examples of my art, my writings, jottings, videos, observations and stories which chronicle and revolve around my life and fetishes. throughout this blog i hope to honor the creativity, superior intelligence, strength and physical vitality of women, while at the same time point out the insecurities, shortcomings and frailties of males. as such, this blog has a decidedly Femdomme slant.

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"I've got to do something, now" ... #yesallwomen

any one who knows anything, or who has been exposed or listened to the news media in any form this past week  knows of the barbaric, misogynistic killings which took place in Santa Barbara , and the sick minded, pathetic, fuck who plotted and instigated the massacre. due to this, there has been a firestorm which has ignited across the internet and Women and men are texting , tweeting and conversing about gender equality and the way it has been ignored and shut down for more than 78% of O/our society. i do not know why it took something so horrendous and cruel to wake U/us A/all up? but, unfortunately, it did.

 my Mistress spoke and shared with me last night Her intense feelings and the closeness She felt to what had happened. it triggered within in Her an ,"I've got to do something, now" response which seems to be richochetting all across the internet. She made some dramatice life changes to Her life which will open new doors and new horizons for Her.  yet,  as a man, i am truly ashamed that this occured within my gender, but i assureY/you that i stand with my Sisters and say that this blatant, cultural illness plaguing U/us in the form of misogynistic bullshit has got to cease. Women need to be recognized for their divine personhood and men must be taught and reprimanded that this type of murderous behavior cannot not be condoned nor laughed off as the solitary, crazy whim of one crazy insane lunatic. W/we need to scream, holler, pound our fists and protest until something is done, something breaks and there is change instituted in our society and the way in which W/we educate. the acceptance of rape culture has unfortunately been raised and nurtured within O/our collective male consciousness to view and treat Women as chattel and objects to conquer, possess and to greedily hold. as such, it is imperative that we educate O/our boys and men to respect people of all genders and to honor the Women in O/our lives and around U/us as real people. they are not here for O/our pleasure or enjoyment. there are no expectations. there are no preconceived notions. there are no if You do this for me, then i will do this for You. they are people with rights, dreams and equal beings who deserve the highest degree respect, self preservation and self autonomy to make up for the years in which they have been treated as second class citizens in the US.

it is only when men and Women stand together to unite and truly dedicate themselves to institute a dramatic reformation, that this type of laughed off,  condoned behavior will cease in O/our society. rape and violence is NOT an acceptable response ... no means, "NO". the bullshit excuse, "boys will be boys" response will  no longer be accepted, or tolerated to pardon this type of behavior.

as a male submissive, i have learned many things at the feet of my Mistress. She has given me new insight and revealed to me the vulnerability and fear Women feel in O/our society today. so much so, that many refuse to walk out of their homes at night for fear of rape and violence. my brothers, this caveman mentality has got to end!  bearing that in mind, we as men also cannot stand idly by and watch these daily misogynistic spectacles play out. we need to step forward, intervene and defend our Sisters and stand together with them to insure that W/we all have an equal voice and rights under the law.

if you have been living under a toadstool, then you need to hear and read #yesallwomen  these voices of hurt, disillusionment, and righteous indignation and become informed as to the ground swell that is exploding all over the internet and beyond. become apart of the conversation and unite to guarantee that all genders are recognzed for their personhood, self determined autonomy, rights and equality.

it is my hope that the response, "i've got to to do something .... now." will become the mantra and impetus for the necessary change that must and will occur.

with that being said, may those young Women who were shattered and violently taken from U/us in the prime and promise of their youth rest in peace.

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