my Mistress seemed pleased, and told me that i made Her life so much easier when i was around. i must admit, when my Mistress compliments my work, that i do have a tendency to blush and get a little flustered. one particular time, W/we were driving back to Her lair in the mountains, when She complimented me three times, i became certfiably flumoxed and subsequently drove down the wrong roadway. She gasped, slapped me, called me a "dork",and then promptly, boxed my ears,.
abruptly forcing me to pull over, She corrected the error of my mindless sense of direction by driving U/us there Herself. i guess i just am not used to being pummeled with Her compliments. needless to say, it was a little embarassing and emasculating to be booted out of the driver's seat of one's own car, but, i do like it when She sees fit to let me know that what i do for Her makes Her life all that much simpler and eliminates stress and drama. thank you dear, Mistress. :)
my main point is this, be attentive to the needs of Your Mistress without Her having to ask. surprise Her, and You maybe surprised with what happens afterwards. i'm still nursing a sore throat from an impromptu garroting session. ;) ~sushichum
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