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some things Y/you should know about me

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atl, GA
this blog is about me and my expressions and acceptance of being a male submissive within a female dominated world. i accept the rule of female dominance and supremacy and realize that it is only a matter of time when this shall be the cultural norm within O/our society. in this blog one will find examples of my art, my writings, jottings, videos, observations and stories which chronicle and revolve around my life and fetishes. throughout this blog i hope to honor the creativity, superior intelligence, strength and physical vitality of women, while at the same time point out the insecurities, shortcomings and frailties of males. as such, this blog has a decidedly Femdomme slant.

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tonight's recipe: femdom ala fishpaste

the task at hand: how to lure and catch a fish the victim: fishpaste (me) the Provocateur: Mistress ElizaDivine the technique: troll with bait that cannot be resisted or refused. the bait: the future promise of becoming an actual beatdown training model for "superior, physically able and fit Mistresses". the final result: poached fishpaste with almondine sauce and white wine. the door to open communication with this amazing, intuitive and seductive woman: priceless !!!

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